Head east up and over the high Andes and you descend into the Amazon basin, one of the more exciting places on the planet.

Howler Monkeys by Paul Bertner
Here are a few reasons why every first-time visitor to Peru might want to consider including the Amazon in their itinerary:
- It’s the Amazon rainforest!– This incredibly biodiverse rainforest is famous for the amazing variety of plants and animals that occur there. Take a chance to experience one of the planet’s major living treasures.
- It’s easier than you think– No, you won’t need to trek through the jungle, wield a machete, or fight off wild beasts. More like relaxing in a hammock and enjoying a cold drink after taking a guided walk or boat ride at your own pace.
- Macaws, toucans, and jungle wildlife – These animals and much more can be seen but you do have to go to a protected area like the Tambopata Reserve
- It’s more comfortable than you think-You don’t have to camp out nor do any grueling hikes. Stay at high-quality lodges in the rainforest and you can watch wildlife from the lodge and enjoy excellent cuisine without making any serious sacrifices on comfort.
Although the Peruvian Amazon can be visited in several places, the Tambopata area is probably the easiest region to experience this amazing jungle biome. It only takes a quick flight from Lima or Cuzco to Puerto Maldonado followed by a two-hour boat ride to reach the award-winning and comfortable Posada Amazonas lodge. We hope to see you there!