WIRED AMAZON A Journey into the Heart of Conservation

Wired Amazon: A Journey into the Heart of Conservation

The Wired Amazon Program is a groundbreaking initiative by Rainforest Expeditions, designed to merge scientific research and conservation efforts with the immersive experience of ecotourism in the Tambopata National Reserve and Bahuaja-Sonene National Park. Since its inception in 2016, Wired Amazon has been at the forefront of biodiversity research, engaging global citizen scientists and fostering a deeper connection with the Amazon rainforest. Our innovative approach combines cutting-edge technology with hands-on conservation, making a significant impact on environmental sustainability.

Wired Amazon Projects

Discovering New Species

  1. Discovering New Species

Join our flagship project where citizen scientists help discover new species of insects. Since 2016, over 12,000 participants have contributed to identifying 31 species new to science. This project provides an unparalleled opportunity to explore the Amazon’s hidden biodiversity.

Amazoncam Tambopata

  1. AmazonCam

Our AmazonCam initiative utilizes hundreds of camera traps to monitor wildlife, including the majestic jaguar. With over 650,000 images collected and 20 individual jaguars identified, this project plays a crucial role in wildlife conservation and population tracking.


  1. 8 Primates

Dive into the world of primates with our innovative bioacoustic monitoring and GPS tracking. The 8 Primates project focuses on the behavioral study and conservation of eight different primate species in the Tambopata region, providing essential data on their communication and ranging patterns.


  1. Aerobotany

Using drones, the Aerobotany project monitors the health and phenology of rainforest canopy trees, including economically significant species like the Brazil nut. This project supports sustainable harvests that generate millions in revenue and provide thousands of jobs in Madre de Dios.

Tambopata Macaw Project photo by Gabriel Serrano

  1. Tambopata Macaw Project

The Tambopata Macaw Project aims to conserve macaw populations by studying their breeding and behavior. We work to reduce threats to macaws by improving artificial nests, monitoring chick survival, and enhancing the natural habitat. This project also engages tourists and volunteers in hands-on conservation efforts, helping to protect these iconic birds.

Wired Amazon Program Achievements

  • Discovered 31 new species of arthropods.
  • Identified 20 individual jaguars through AmazonCam.
  • Engaged over 12,000 global participants in citizen science projects.
  • Collected 650,000 images aiding in wildlife monitoring and conservation.
  • Awarded 1st place in the Biodiversity Category, Sub-category Fauna at the Green Awards in Miami, 2022.

Wired Amazon Partnerships

We collaborate with esteemed academic institutions and organizations to maximize our impact:

  • National University of San Marcos
  • Smithsonian Institution
  • San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
  • Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
  • Association for Integral Research and Development (AIDER)
  • Peruvian National Service of Natural Protected Areas (SERNANP)

These partnerships enhance our research capabilities and ensure the sustainability of our conservation efforts.

Rainforest Expeditions Goals through Wired Amazon

  • Conservation: Enhance biodiversity protection through cutting-edge research and monitoring techniques.
  • Community Engagement: Foster a global community of citizen scientists dedicated to preserving the Amazon.
  • Sustainable Tourism: Support local economies by integrating ecotourism with meaningful scientific endeavors.
  • Education and Awareness: Raise global awareness about the importance of Amazonian conservation through direct participation and educational initiatives.

Innovative Approach

Rainforest Expeditions was born from a commitment to science, finding in ecotourism a sustainable way to make conservation viable. Our innovative projects combine the latest technology with active citizen participation, ensuring that conservation efforts are both effective and engaging.

Join Us In Tambopata – Peru

Experience the Amazon like never before. Become a citizen scientist as our guest at our ecolodges or as a volunteer and contribute to groundbreaking research.

Visit the Wired Amazon official page to learn more and get involved.

Together, we can make science happen. Explore. Discover. Protect.

For more information, follow us on Instagram @WiredAmazon.

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